Commitments 2: Budget transparency and accountability tool
- Entity:
- Governance, Digital Administration and Self-Government
- Body:
- Office of Open Government and Good Government
- Status:
- Project running
Plan to which it is signing up
Action Plan for Open Government in the Basque Country 2021-2024
From October 1, 2021 to December 31, 2024
Participants and stakeholders
- Haritz Ugarte Aizpuru. Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa
- Goizeder Manotas Rueda. Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa
- Lexuri Ugarte. Provincial Council of Araba
- Leyre Vitorica. Provincial Council of Bizkaia
- María Presa. Provincial Council of Bizkaia
- Carlos Urgoiti. Municipality of Bilbao
- Amagoia Ibarrondo. Municipality of Bilbao
- Amaia Mujika. Municipality of Vitoria-Gasteiz
- Asier Rodríguez. Municipality of Barakaldo
- Carol Zabaco. Municipality of Barakaldo
- Montse Gutiérrez. Municipality of Ermua
- Ander Larrinaga. Municipality of Laudio
- Laura Vizcaíno
- Antxon Gallego. Ibatuz
- Andoni Lastra. Kultiba
- Arantzazu Otaolea
- Mikel Barturen. Sareen Sarea
Envisaged timeline to implement the project
10/01/2021 - 12/31/2024
Milestones-Products Pending
Phase | Start date | End date | Status |
Constitution of the commitment group | Ongoing | ||
Study of the current state of communication of Budget information in the Basque public institutions | Not started | ||
Definition of the content to be communicated and public contrast | Not started | ||
Design and implementation of the budget visualization web tool. Use tests with citizens | Ongoing | ||
Implementation in OGPEuskadi entities | Not started | ||
Communication aimed at promoting the use of the tool by the rest of the Basque institutions. | Not started | ||
Communication and awareness actions among citizens | Not started | ||
Participated evaluation | Not started |
Milestones-Products Completed
Phase | Start date | End date | Status |
Analysis of the difficulties and needs of citizens | Completed |
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