Task forces by commitments 2021-2024

Commitments 2: Budget transparency and accountability tool

Governance, Digital Administration and Self-Government
Office of Open Government and Good Government
Project running

Plan to which it is signing up

Action Plan for Open Government in the Basque Country 2021-2024


From October 1, 2021 to December 31, 2024  

Participants and stakeholders


  1. Haritz Ugarte Aizpuru. Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa
  2. Goizeder Manotas Rueda. Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa
  3. Lexuri Ugarte. Provincial Council of Araba
  4. Leyre Vitorica. Provincial Council of Bizkaia
  5. María Presa. Provincial Council of Bizkaia
  6. Carlos Urgoiti. Municipality of Bilbao
  7. Amagoia Ibarrondo. Municipality of Bilbao
  8. Amaia Mujika. Municipality of Vitoria-Gasteiz
  9. Asier Rodríguez. Municipality of Barakaldo
  10. Carol Zabaco. Municipality of Barakaldo
  11. Montse Gutiérrez. Municipality of Ermua
  12. Ander Larrinaga. Municipality of Laudio
  13. Laura Vizcaíno
  14. Antxon Gallego. Ibatuz
  15. Andoni Lastra. Kultiba
  16. Arantzazu Otaolea
  17. Mikel Barturen. Sareen Sarea

Envisaged timeline to implement the project

10/01/2021 - 12/31/2024

Milestones-Products Pending

Phase Start date End date Status
Constitution of the commitment group Ongoing
Study of the current state of communication of Budget information in the Basque public institutions Not started
Definition of the content to be communicated and public contrast Not started
Design and implementation of the budget visualization web tool. Use tests with citizens Ongoing
Implementation in OGPEuskadi entities Not started
Communication aimed at promoting the use of the tool by the rest of the Basque institutions. Not started
Communication and awareness actions among citizens Not started
Participated evaluation Not started

Milestones-Products Completed

Phase Start date End date Status
Analysis of the difficulties and needs of citizens Completed

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